Author Archives: Antonio D'Andrea

VEEAM AND STOREONCE – viewed from an audit perspective! (part 1)

Transitioning from technician to architect roles in your career brings new considerations. In operational work, you simply follow instructions, but as an architect, you must be able to design and justify the necessary operations. This use case explains the use of StoreOnce with Veeam and its built-in immutability feature, with… Read more »

Veeam One: adding M365 server in AWS – No data collection

Hi all, today I checked and solved a Veeam One issue during Veeam M365 data collection. This is the scenario: [list type=”check”] 1 Veeam M365 in AWS cloud with its DNS_HOSTNAME 1 Veeam One customer on-prem [/list] In Task and Events tab I see the error: [message_box title=”Fired by event:… Read more »

Backup Administrator, a little history.

[message_box title=”Today, I have a tale to share regarding our work.” color=”red”][/message_box] [dropcap type=”circle” color=”#1639D3″ background=”#D1D1D4″]I[/dropcap] will take you back in time, not too far, to when an IT administrator was given a set of tasks that focused on backups. It was a relatively straightforward assignment, and thus, the role… Read more »

My journey to Veeam VMCE certification

With this article I hope to be able to share VEEAM certification process I have entered. Reading from Veeam certification page Veeam® Technical Education Services currently offers two industry certifications to help demonstrate your ability to manage a company’s data: the Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) and the Veeam Certified Architect… Read more »